Dr. Rebecca Smith
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Vestibular rehab/balance
Crossfit and weight lifters
Overhead athletes
General Orthopedics
Pre and Post-natal women
Optimizing Results Through EDUCATION
Rebecca grew up playing sports (swimming, running and water polo) and collegiate athlete in water polo. She also has a large medical family. She combined her love of athletics with her love of medicine and helping people and pursued a career in physical therapy.
She graduated Cum Laude from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in exercise physiology in 2007. She then attended Boston University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program with a merit scholarship and graduated with honors in 2010.
She has spent the last 7 years working in both a private practice and a hospital outpatient setting with emphasis on sports medicine, athletics, general orthopedics, vestibular and post-op patients. She successfully completed a 1 year manual therapy residency in Boston at the Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy in 2011. Under MedStar NRH in Washington, DC, she was a certified concussion specialist, participated in the running clinic and participated in the Sports medicine program. She has also trained with Bryan Heiderscheit of University of Wisconsin’s running program and has extensive continuing education courses that enhance her skill set in treating runners. In 2017, she completed the Clinical Athlete weight lifting coach certification and is getting more involved with both treating weight lifters and Crossfitters as well as participating in Crossfit herself.
In 2016 she had my first son which has opened up her interests to pre and post natal rehab. She lives with her husband and 1.5 year old son in Lake Nona and her interests include running, yoga, swimming, biking, hiking and cooking.